FREE HTML and CSS Tutorial with [100% FREE]
FREE HTML and CSS Tutorial with [100% FREE]
Course Content :
Web : 3 lessons For absolute beginners
01 Introduction
- The Internet
- The World Wide Web
- A Web browser
HTML 5 :13 lessons For designers willing to start coding right away
02 HTML Basics
- HTML Syntax
- HTML Block and Inline
- HTML Hierarchy
- HTML Semantics
- HTML Formatting
- A valid HTML document
03 HTML Content
- HTML Text
- Inline semantics
- HTML Links
- HTML Images
- HTML Tables
- HTML Structure
- HTML Forms
CSS 3 :29 lessons For developers eager to learn how CSS can define the style and layout of a webpage
04 CSS Basics
- Why CSS exists
- CSS Syntax
- CSS Selectors
- CSS Inheritance
- CSS Priority
- CSS Color units
- CSS Size units
- CSS Reset
05 CSS Text
- CSS font-family
- CSS font properties
- CSS line-height
- CSS font shorthand
- CSS text properties
06 CSS Box Model
- CSS background
- CSS display
- CSS height and width
- CSS border
- CSS padding
- CSS margin
- CSS size shorthand wheel
07 CSS Positioning
- The Flow
- CSS position
- CSS float
- 08 Advanced CSS
- CSS pseudo-classes
- CSS gradients
- CSS transitions
- CSS animations
- CSS transform
- CSS responsiveness
Sass :5 lessons For the smart and lazy
09 Sass
- Sass vs SCSS vs Less
- Sass variables
- Sass nesting
- Sass mixins
- Sass extend
Click on this link to get this course : FREE HTML and CSS Tutorial with [100% FREE]
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