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4 Great Resources to Learn Kotlin for Free

4 Great Resources to Learn Kotlin  for Free 

1. Learn Kotlin while developing an Android App

by @juanchosaravia

We will be learning Kotlin covering topics like Properties and Fields, Data Classes, Null Safety, Extensions Functions, Lambda expressions, Delegation, Higher-Order Functions among other excellent topics and also covering some scenarios that an Android Dev has to deal frequently like Orientation Change (Parcelables), requesting data from service to be shown in the UI, binding and manipulating Views and more. Also, I will assume that you already know Java and have some experience developing Android Apps.


Introduction: A few words about this

Part 1: Configuring Android Studio with Kotlin
Part 2: MainActivity.kt: Syntax, Null Safety and more…
Part 3: NewsFragment.kt: Extension Functions, Android Extensions…
Part 4: RecyclerView — Delegate Adapters & Data Classes with Kotlin
Part 5: Kotlin, RxJava & RxAndroid
Part 6: API — Retrofit & Kotlin
Part 7: Infinite Scroll: Higher-Order functions & Lambdas
Part 8: Orientation Change (Parcelable & Data Classes)
Part 9: Unit Test with Kotlin (Mockito, RxJava & Spek)
Part 10: Kotlin & Dagger 2 (Dependency Injection)
Part 11: Continuous Integration with Kotlin (BuddyBuild)

Final Part: Conclusion and thanks!

Click on this link to get this course : Learn Kotlin while developing an Android App

2. Kotlin Tutorial 

A series of complete step-by-step tutorials to walk you through how to accomplish different tasks in Kotlin, from Getting Started to writing Android applications and more

Click on this link to get this course : Kotlin Tutorial (official docs)

3. Kotlin Beginner Tutorials

Click on this link to get this course : Kotlin Beginner Tutorials (youtube.com)

4. Android Development with Kotlin

Click on this link to get this course : Android Development with Kotlin (youtube.com)

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