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Free Best Online courses to Learn Android Development.

Free Best Online courses to Learn Android Development.

1. Android App Development by Stanford (web.stanford.edu)

Course name : CS 193A: Android App Development

Recorded lectures on the Android development by Stanford

Lecture content :

Lecture 01: Course introduction and first app
Lecture 02: Layout
Lecture 03: Widgets; Lists
Lecture 04: Files and Storage
Lecture 05: Multiple Activities and Intents
Lecture 06: Activity Lifecycle
Lecture 07: Dynamic UIs; Dialogs
Lecture 08: Fragments
Lecture 09: Libraries
Lecture 10: Google Sign-in; Text-to-Speech
Lecture 11: RESTful APIs and Web Data
Lecture 12: Local Databases and SQL
Lecture 13: Remote Databases and Firebase
Lecture 14: More Firebase; 2D Graphics
Lecture 15: Games (partial; computer crashed halfway through lecture; sorry! See Winter 2016 lecture on Games for a full lecture on this topic.)
Lecture 16: Localization (computer crashed again, but almost all of lecture made it into the video)
Lecture 17: Services and Notifications
Lecture 18: React Native; Course Wrap-Up

To get this course click on this link : CS 193A: Android App Development

2. Android Development for Beginners by Google

This course is part of the Android Basics Nanodegree by Google.

Learn the basics of Android and Java programming, and take the first step on your journey to becoming an Android developer!

This course is designed for students who are new to programming, and want to learn how to build Android apps. You don’t need any programming experience to take this course. If you’ve been using a smartphone to surf the web and chat with friends, then you’re our perfect target student!

Learning anything new can be tough. We will walk you through the process of making Android apps, but to get the most out of this course, you must bring your enthusiasm for learning, and budget time on your calendar to learn with us.

By the end of the course, you’ll build two simple (but powerful) apps that you can share with your friends. We also hope that you will learn enough through this course to decide how best to continue your journey as an Android app developer, if you're interested in pursuing such a path.

To get this course click on this link : Udacity - Android Development for Beginners by Google - FREE

3. Android Material Design Tutorial (Youtube)

To get this course click on this link :Android Material Design Tutorial (Youtube)

4. Android Tutorial for Beginners (youtube.com)

To get this course click on this link : Android Tutorial for Beginners (youtube.com)

5. Android App Development - Beginners (thenewboston.com)

To get this course click on this link : Android App Development - Beginners (thenewboston.com)

6. Android App Development for Beginners (youtube.com)

To get this course click on this link : Android App Development for Beginners (youtube.com)

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